
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I would like to thank all of you for your cooperation during Reconciliation. The ceremony was certainly.y beautiful and the girls were perfect!

Just some information - the girls are working on a STEM project (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) in science involving force. The girls will be creating centrifugal force with cups, measuring string, pennies and water. The idea is that the faster you swing the cup over your head, the less chance of the penny or the water flying out. It should be FUN.

The Second Grade will be participating in the school Science Fair in May. The children will be working with myself and Madam Peters. We have titled the STEM lesson Past meets the Present.
The girls will be working with toothbots being recreated into moving Scarab Beetles (Egypt of course).

The girls will be planning what materials will work best, how heavy or light the material should be, what directions the toothbots should move and the design of the beetles.

We are continuing our measurement in Math - inches, feet, yards, centimeters, cups, pints, quarts, gallons. We will begin our study of multiplication and division after Easter.

Please continue to have your daughters read every night, it is extremely important.