
Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Dear Second Grade Parents and Students,

Welcome back!  I hope that you have had a very healthy and happy summer.

Science will be taught by Mrs. McGrath twice a week according to the NYS core curriculum.  We will be incorporating STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) wherever possible.

We will be working with a new Math Consumable Textbook.  The math is the same but the book itself is quite different.  I will send it home one night for your perusal but then it will remain in the classroom as it is too heavy to carry home every night.  We will tear out the pages for homework.

Please keep in mind that it is very important that the girls be on line by 8:20 am, as class begins at 8:30 am.  The girls should be in full uniform every day except gym day which is Thursday.  The only acceptable headbands are plain navy, black or white.  The girls may only were stud earrings or huggies.

Homework will be given on a daily basis.  I expect all homework in school the next day unless otherwise specified.  Adequate notice will be given for all tests.  The girls should study a little bit each night.

On the first day of school, I will teach the children a heading that is to be used for all homework, as well as, on all tests.

I will be teaching Religion, First Reconciliation, and First Holy Communion.  At the present time, we do not have a date for either Sacrament.

If you have any questions, please write a note(the homework notebook is a good idea) and I will answer you as promptly as possible.

God Bless!
Mrs. Romano

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